The Museums at Lisle Station Park Seek Your Help!
I’ve been volunteering at a local museum, The Museums at Lisle Station Park, in Lisle, DuPage County, Illinois. I’m helping the curator, Grace, compile veteran information. We began our focus with World War II since in the 1990s, a questionnaire was sent out to Lisle veterans and families, asking for information for a 50th Anniversary Exhibit of the U.S. entry into the war.
These questionnaires have sat in a filing cabinet for years since the exhibit and are all handwritten. One of my jobs is to make this information usable and to locate additional information on as many veterans as possible through research.
Now, in preparation for an exhibit in 2025, we are seeking YOUR help. Is your family from Lisle? Would you be able to contribute information, records, photos, family stories about your Lisle veteran? While we are focusing on World War II veterans, the museum also seeks information on veterans of all wars who were from Lisle. Your Help!

In the early 1990s, the Museums at Lisle Station Park in Lisle, Illinois, began research on local World War II veterans. This was done in part for an exhibit to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the United States’ entry in to the war. Names of Lisle veterans were obtained from lists provided by the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA). Questionnaires were sent to as many veterans as addresses could be found.
We know the lists obtained from NARA for those who served or those who died, are not always 100% accurate as to where someone resided. Additionally, we know some men moved to Lisle just before or after the war. The list compiled in the 1990s of Lisle veterans can be found here.
Currently the Museum is gathering more information on local veterans. The Museum seeks information, copies of discharge papers and other documents, and photos on veterans from any war, but specifically World War II for an upcoming exhibit in 2025. Please consider completing this Military Service Questionnaire and returning it to the Museums as Lisle Station Park along with a photo of the veteran.
To return the questionnaire and photo, you can scan the pages, create a PDF and email to Grace Holzhaeuer at Photos can be scanned and sent as JPGs. 300 dpi is preferred. You may also mail the form and photo to The Museums at Lisle Station Park, 1925 Ohio Street, Lisle, IL 60532. Thank you for your help in preserving the service and stories of Lisle Veterans!
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