I will soon be releasing some registration links as I make final preparations for new webinars and workshops, online classes, facilitation, writing groups, and more. Some details are below with more to come soon!

Saturday 14 December 2019 – Webinar Starting WWII Research. This is a basic webinar to get you started and provide opportunities for you to speak with family over the holidays. 1 hour webinar.
Saturday 11 January 2020 – Finding the Answers: Exploring Individual Military Service. This is a continuation, sort of, of the December webinar. You do not need to take the Dec webinar to participate in this one but you will miss out on some different handout resources. 1.5 hour webinar.
Saturday 1 February 2020 – Finding the Answers: Military Service in Context. This is the next step in military research. If you have not taken the 11 January webinar you will be behind if you take this. There is a proper process to WWI, WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War research which I will teach. You should register for the 11 January webinar before you attend this. 1.5 hour webinar.
Saturday 15 February 2020 The Prisoners, The Missing, and the Dead. This webinar is for those who lost someone during WWI, WWII, Korea, or Vietnam. We will explore Burial Files and IDPF and other resources as well as explore the history and job and documents created by Graves Registration. 1.5 hour webinar.
Registration links with details for two new writing groups will be posted in a couple of weeks. A couple other options will be listed in another article soon.
Roots and War: Writer’s Group This is a 6-month minimum commitment writing group open to 8 people which begins 1 January 2020. This is for people just starting to write short pieces – or those already writing blog posts, articles and short stories. I have an early bird list for this and those people will be notified first. This will be first come, first serve when registration opens. Want to be on the early bird list – email me your name and email address at info@wwiirwc.com and tell me which group you want to be notified about.
Roots and War: Book Writer’s Group. This is a 6-month minimum commitment writing group open to 5 people which begins 1 January 2020. This is for people writing books. I have an early bird list for this and those people will be notified first. This will be first come, first serve when registration opens. Want to be on the early bird list – email me your name and email address at info@wwiirwc.com and tell me which group you want to be notified about.
Your Family’s War Journey: A Transformational Master Class This live class starts in March. I will only run this twice in 2020 and it is limited to 10 people per class. Details are here and registration begins in February. https://www.findingtheanswersjourney.com/yfwj-mar20-masterclass
What is facilitation? It is an hour-long session where we move through research, writing, story, energetic and healing issues, ancestral lineage healing, and more. You will not find this anywhere else in the genealogy or military communities. This is something I have offered to all my master class participants, which has allowed them to create more change in their lives and how they research and write. Each session is individual to what you require. Do you have questions about how this might help you? Email me at info@wwiirwc.com More details can be found here: https://wwiiresearchandwritingcenter.com/our-services/facilitation-services/
WHAT ELSE?I have several other new topics in the works that will be announced later. Stay tuned for more!
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