Inside each of you lives stories ready to be told. Problems we often face are, where do I even begin? What stories do I tell? How do I make them something my family will want to read? How can I find more of the information within the genealogy and military research I’ve already done? How can I write stories that are emotive and make a difference?
I can help you with all of these questions through my new writing community. The best part of this is you get to try the workshop format for FREE before you subscribe to the monthly programs.
In 2022, one of my targets is to help people explore the puzzle of their personal and ancestral history from different perspectives, using different tools to untangle our roots. With these puzzle pieces, I will guide you to write stories about your life and the lives of your ancestors you may have never considered exploring and writing. Through this important work, we will heal ourselves and our ancestors.
Why do you need this new writing community?
Have you questioned why you behave like your grandma or why your siblings carry and act out the anger of your father? Has it become obvious that your PTSD and anxiety may not have originated with you, yet you carry it for a deceased family member? Did you unconsciously take on the trauma of your in-laws to heal them as it slowly deteriorates your life and health? Do you keep attracting the same kinds of people into your life as friends and lovers, bosses and colleagues, and these are negative, abusive, or destructive relationships? Are you ready to change that? These things probably did not originate with you, but you continue the patterns and cycles.
2022 can be a year of healing through writing as we discover who we are and who our ancestors were, on a deeper level. This new community is for anyone ready to step into a different way of being, doing, writing, researching, and living. While you may not have a goal to write a personal or family history, the monthly workshops will provide you with enough material and different perspectives that you may choose to write your stories for publication.
If you are ready for something completely different and want to be a part of a vibrant healing writing community, this workshop is for you!
Step 1: Visit the information page to see what the format will be. This writing workshop is completely different from anything else out there.
Step 2: Choose the day/time of the free workshop you’d like to attend. Please try to attend live as I will be doing coaching in the workshop for participants. Can’t attend live? A replay is available for 15 days.
Step 3: Show up to the workshop and participate! Ask your questions and share your research or ah-ha moments! You’ll leave with a workbook and plenty of tools and notes to start writing your stories.
Step 4: Join a new monthly writing community if you enjoy this learning format. Details about the January – March topics are on the information page.
Have questions? Just ask me! I’m happy to discuss whether this writing community may be for you!
I look forward to guiding you on this new writing journey. Our stories deserve to be told and I can help you tell them.