Family History Month may seem far away but it will be here before you know it! To help you get a jump start on your military research, or expand what you are currently doing, I’m excited to launch another free 10-Day Challenge! The 10-Day Military Research Challenge!
The challenge opens on 14 September 2021 at the Ancestral Souls Wisdom School with a welcome video and details on what to expect. Each morning beginning 15 September 2021, an email will be sent to participants notifying them of the day’s topic, video, and worksheet. You are invited to participate daily to more fully explore your family’s military history. The challenge was designed with 20th century wars in mind (WWI, WWII, Korea, & Vietnam) but you can use the questions and tips each day for any war, anywhere in the world. This challenge will not only focus on the service member experience, but also the home front experience.
When you register for this challenge you will receive a Military Service Questionnaire to start collecting information. On Day 1 of the challenge you will receive in addition to the Daily Worksheet, an expanded Military Service Questionnaire. New subscribers to my mailing list will also receive the Ancestral Inventory Worksheet: Ancestral Blessings & Burdens, which is full of writing prompts to take your genealogy research and self-discovery to a deeper level.
Often, when we explore our ancestral or personal history, we focus on names, dates, places, and documents. This challenge invites you to go to a deeper level and look at what else those documents and family stories are telling you. Along the way you might also discover a treasure trove of new information.
Each day of the challenge you will be invited to explore three elements of practice, which include Researching, Journaling, and Sharing. My hope is the information you discover will encourage you to continue researching long after the challenge ends. This challenge also builds a foundation for some new classes I’m offering in October during Family History Month, to help you learn even more.
This challenge may also give you new insight into the beliefs, behaviors, patterns, addictions, secrets, lies, truths, and choices your veterans made and also his or her family made throughout their lives. What often happens when we open up to the taboo topics and deeper layers of research, is many questions arise. Questions which may at first have no answers. However, the more we speak with family, do our research, and sit in quiet contemplation with our information, the more answers appear.
It has been my experience that the more I learn about the lives of my ancestors, in historical context, and the choices they made, the better I understand myself. The more I heal. The more those connected to me heal and old family patterns that were destructive, disappear. Those family patterns are replaced with love, connection, wisdom, abundance, and greater possibilities for our lives.
© 2021 WWII Research & Writing Center
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