What a year 2020 has been! No matter who you are, or in what stage of your awakening and soul growth, everyone has been impacted by the games being played on planet Earth. For those who are awake, many of us have been going through deep transformation that has come in waves. Rising and falling like the tides as the planet and its people receive constant upgrades of light in our DNA and souls.

I love this graphic, don’t you? It merges the past, where I spent a huge amount of time, with the present. The burning up of the old to allow the new to rise and flourish. To HEAL.
At the start of the year, I had plans to transform my business in one way. Little did I know what was coming by mid-March, or how the world games would completely shift my entire reality. I have moved in and out of the depths of darkness, some would call the Dark Night of the Soul. That Dark Night is not scary as I have traveled through it many times since 2012. What it unearths is not always fun and does not always feel good. In fact, there have been moments I wondered if I could go on as the world burns around us. In the end when the dust settles, or I have burned up completely, I rise again like a phoenix. More powerful and authentic than my prior self.
Along the journey this year I picked up new guides and angels. Said goodbye to others. Sent many soldiers from various wars to the light. Have done intense study into several different areas outside of military research or family history, to prepare for what is coming next. Some of those certification programs are ongoing and continue to shift me daily.
For several months I closed this website to take space, as the way I was working with the military and clients had to change. I couldn’t continue the way things were as it did not bring me joy as it once did. My path and purpose were elsewhere. However, my guides told me at the end of April that I would remain in the military world but in a much different capacity. That new road has shown itself this week and I couldn’t be more excited. Details will be coming soon about what this is.
The content on this website, of educational resources from the last five years will remain on this site but I am only teaching “how-to” research to select organizations. I am doing research for select clients and the way I work has also shifted. I am also now speaking through webinars and live-in-person to select organizations in 2021.
Additionally, as our world shifts into a higher vibration and the dark and secrets emerge, the collective needs to heal. This is where my focus will be. Providing resources, classes, webinars, masterclasses, membership circles, and private facilitation/healing sessions to clients who are ready to break family patterns and stop living their ancestors’ lives.
To help clients create a more loving and joyful future. To help those souls stuck here to move on. To help clients remove energetic blocks that keep them stuck. To do the deeper, more honest work required in this decade for military, family, and personal history. I accomplish this through research and writing projects, private facilitation and coaching, and many other avenues. I have also chosen to leave my online course and webinar site open for military research education. Visit the WWII Education site today to sign up for classes today.
Would you like to join me on this journey? You can check out all the resources I currently offer on my many websites/social media sites, and sign up for the Ancestral Souls mailing list. You may also contact me to ask questions.
© 2020 WWII Research & Writing Center
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