For the last decade I’ve studied the deeper layers of genealogy and family history. Explored the darker sides of family and ancestors. Looked at the grief, loss, war, fear they lived with, safety issues that existed, survival instincts, PTSD, inherited trauma and other related topics.
Exploring those topics has helped me do my own healing and today I’d like to talk about our current lives and forced isolation alongside our ancestors’ lives where the issues of fear and safety arise. I will provide just a little information around this topic with resources for you to explore.
Fear and Safety in Our Ancestors’ Lives

If you look back in your genealogy, you will find many instances where your ancestors were living in fear and were unsure of their personal safety perhaps due to war or famine, political conflicts, immigration, or natural disasters. Those situations may have been shorter term and affected the ancestors for a period of time. They may have learned to live with the new normal that came after. Some may have shoved their emotions and feelings about it all deep inside to carry the rest of their lives while others were able to heal.
In cases where abuse and rape occurred, those fear and safety issues may have lingered the rest of the ancestor’s life. It has only been in more recent times that we are allowed to talk about these things and start to heal.
In either case, we, the descendants of our ancestors, carry their pain, trauma, fear, and safety issues in our DNA. It is stored in our bodies and within our energy system – the chakras. I can personally say that doing chakra energy healing can shift out a lot of things we carry that aren’t even ours and make a huge difference in how we live. I’ll save that for another article. It will shock you how much we carry that messes us up that isn’t even ours.
Differences between fear & safety then versus now
I think it’s important to acknowledge the farther back we go in our family history, the less 24/7/365 media programming/brainwashing was available. Today we have news stations and social media channels blasting fear and panic over toilet paper, a virus, lockdowns, vaccines, and food shortages and killer hornets, and every other disease and way to die has been cured because CDC says covid is the only way people are dying now (or is it?) all…day…long.
And the narrative keeps changing – have you noticed? We are slowly being programmed to be in fear and rely more on the government and start to fear things outside our homes. There is a quote that goes something like, I never thought I’d see people so afraid to die that they stopped living.
Have you noticed how much of the world has stopped living?
Would you have been so afraid of the virus if the media had not told you to be afraid? Especially when studies are coming out now that show us it is less deadly than the flu? That the majority of people dying are in nursing homes (which already had care issues?)
Have you noticed the media said there will be no toilet paper so everyone ran out to buy it? We’ll be locked in our homes for decades – so there was a run on food? We can’t open the country safely unless we have a vaccine (even though Fauci said in the Senate Hearing yesterday the vaccine may not work or create more issues for those with prior health issues) – even though there are therapeutics that work (see latest France and Italy studies and what’s coming out in America outside of mainstream media.)
Why were we never told to be afraid when H1N1 came out in 2009? How many of us were so sick with that flu and the country stayed open? No shortage on toilet paper or food… makes you question right? I remember being sicker than I’d ever been with three kids ages 8 and 4 (twins) to take care of and the government didn’t shut down the world.
Now look at your ancestors…
Less media interference may have created fewer issues with fear and safety. When you examine the propaganda/news created for WWII to get families to buy into the war effort THEN look at the propaganda/news created for WWI (a generation prior) and THEN look at propaganda/news for the generation before that, what do you notice?
- What kind of media did our ancestors have access to?
- Our parents? I’m 47 and my parents had access to TV, radio, magazines, and newspapers.
- My grandparents? TV (after WWII), radio, magazines, and newspapers.
- My great grandparents? Radio, magazines, newspapers. If they could read.
- My great great grandparents? Magazines, Newspapers, pamphlets (at least in the U.S. – in Europe I’m not sure as they were peasants and likely couldn’t read). Word of mouth news which as we know often is distored.
Start Asking questions
- What events did my ancestors go through that created fear?
- What events did my ancestors go through that created safety issues?
- How did my ancestors handle these events? (Did they ignore their emotions and push it down? Did they talk about it? Use faith/religion to see them through? Talk it out with a therapist or other healer?)
- How much have I bought into the fear propagated by the media and social media which is showing one side of the story?
- How am I handling this fear and concern over safety? Or am I content letting the governors take away my rights and force me to stay home where my finances are suffering, my health is suffering (mental and physical), my business may be suffering or I lose my job, my kids are suffering on many levels.
- What emotions and thoughts keep coming up for me throughout this lockdown? WHOSE thoughts and emotions are they? Mine or my ancestors? Mine or my friends?
- What fear or safety based issues keep coming up for me? Journal on this.
- What can I do to let go and release these thoughts and emotions that are not mine? Therapy, call a suicide prevention line, energy healing, chakra healing, journaling, exercise, etc.
These are only a few questions and areas to explore in your life and that of your ancestors’ lives. We are at a pivotal moment in history where we need to be exploring these issues and questions. To heal and release all those things that don’t serve us, but certainly mess up our lives. To ask more questions about the narrative being pushed on us all day long. To start LIVING again and making choices that align with our true heart and soul. Possibly the most important thing to start doing: Stop blaming everyone else for the choices you are making. You might read my other articles on these topics:
These are a few resources you can explore to dip your toes into ancestral healing and personal healing. You may also ask to join my FB Group for more support.
- Farmer, Ph.D, Steven D. Healing Ancestral Karma. Free Yourself from Unhealthy Family Patterns. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2014.
- Foor Ph.D., Daniel. Ancestral Medicine. Rituals for Personal and Family Healing. Rochester, VT: Bear & Company, 2017.
- Myss, Caroline. Anatomy of the Spirit. The Seven Stages of Power and Healing. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1996.
- Wolynn, Mark. It Didn’t Start With You. How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How To End the Cycle. New York: Viking, 2016.