Let me ask you a question. As you research and map out your family history or military history, do you talk to your ancestors? Do they talk to you? Share documents and wisdom? Have you “met” them on a battlefield or in a cemetery? Does it freak you out or are you comfortable with the conversation that is possible?
Are you wondering what this has to do with military research here at the WWII Research & Writing Center?
I have been talking to my ancestors and receiving their responses in various ways for years. Some of this conversation has required me to learn to be still and silent. If you have met me, you probably know I used to always be on the go with my business, kids, activities, travel. However since 2016 I learned to slow down a little. Once March 2020 hit, I think we all learned how to slow down whether we wanted to or not. Slowing down and being in silence can really open us up to the whispers of our loved ones.

This silence also took me deeper into myself and into deeper layers of personal and ancestral lineage healing. Helping others learn how to connect with themselves and their ancestors has been on my heart a long time. Military research clients even began showing up to hire me because of this kind of support, starting in 2017. Clients needed more than facts. They wanted to heal. They needed to know who their father, uncle, grandfather, mother, sister, etc., really was and how the war affected them through their military service. This knowledge helped the client understand their relationship with the service member and the emotions they felt about that individual – positive, negative, and somewhere in between.
Isn’t it time we go beyond names, dates, places, and battles? Time to look at what really shaped our veterans? To look at the grief felt and passed down because many did not come home?
What affected our veterans and the civilians in the U.S. and Europe and the Pacific, was not done, gone, healed and put away after WWII ended. Oh no. The trauma, undigested experiences, secrets, lies, wounds, mental and physical issues, were passed down to their descendants. And it still affects us in real ways. Ways that create relationship issues, disease, mental health issues, financial issues, and so much more. My story about how the inherited trauma works would probably shock you!
As I have recovered from the shock and done some personal and ancestral healing, now I am able to share with you the tools I used. I am able to share my story and how long it took me to put the pieces of this family and military puzzle together. I am also able to help you not only with research but identifying the beliefs, behaviors, and patterns that permeate your ancestral lineage and affect your life, relationships, work, and reality. I can even help you talk to your ancestors.
I talk about some of this in recent articles on this website. You can explore them here. I am also sharing information and new classes and services at the Ancestral Souls Wisdom School. There you can also book private sessions to work exclusively with me to identify patterns in your research and heal. These sessions can be used for many things, including consultations on research and writing projects and ancestral travel.
Also, very soon I’m announcing the pre-launch of a new podcast to help you tell your stories of war, family, trauma, resilience, love, lessons, soul growth, and healing. It is time to use our voices to help others. The official launch of the podcast with regular episodes will be January 2022. Some of my readers may also be invited to be a guest on the podcast. It is time we break our silence, tell our stories, even when painful, and heal. When we heal ourselves or share our story, we can impact so many people and heal all of humanity.
Lots of changes here at the WWII Research & Writing Center, especially since the archives are still closed. I look forward to walking this healing journey with you. If you have questions, please reach out at jennifer@ancestralsouls.com.
I am also available for speaking engagements via Zoom or live in person in the U.S. and Europe. Feel free to reach out to discuss these new avenues and how I might be able to help your audience.
Be sure to join the Ancestral Souls Wisdom School mailing list to stay in touch and receive news and discounts on classes. You’ll also receive information on my upcoming Podcast launch!
© 2021 WWII Research & Writing Center