- An archive, museum, library, or other in the town, county, or state where your soldier lived.
- The special collections (archives) department of the university where your soldier was educated or worked.
- Military Museums.
- WWII Training Camps which house museums like Camp Toccoa (airborne).
- What will happen to the donation?
- Will it be sold off in its entirety or in pieces?
- Will the new owner of the material preserve it and honor the soldier’s memory?
- Will the museum only have it on display?
- Does the facility have paid staff and an archivist or someone specially trained to process and protect materials?
- Where are the materials stored?
- Will the materials be digitized?
- What is the policy for preparing new materials for public use?
- Does the facility provide you with a photocopy of the materials you donated?
- What happens to the materials should the facility close or no longer choose to use them? Are you able to get them back?
- How is the public able to access the materials?
- Before donating can you specify that certain items must go on display and not just stuck in a box?
- Is it possible some of your material should go to one location and artifacts to another?