The records access for the Individual Deceased Personnel File (IDPF) is changing. Here’s what you need to know.
The National Archives at St. Louis (same location as the NPRC) has the IDPFs for:
- NAVY and MARINES for the surnames starting with A-L are available to the public at NARA St. Louis.
- In January 2017, the ARMY (should include Air Force) with the surnames starting with A-L will be available to the public.
- Cost is .80 per page with a minimum of $20 charge.
- There is no option at this time for a scanned copy. Paper only.
Request the IDPF
- Hire Jennifer who can have the IDPF pulled and have it to you within two weeks with analysis of the file and suggested resources to pursue next.
- Download Form 180 and select the box that says OTHER and write in IDPF.
- Send NARA a letter stating you wish to have a copy of the IDPF under FOIA. State the individual’s name, branch of service, serial/service number, date of death, and birth date. If you have a common name then you might include a little more identifying information.
National Archives - St. Louis 1 Archives Drive St. Louis, MO 63138 314-801-0800
Surnames M-Z and Records at Ft. Knox
I’m not sure what this means for Ft. Knox and the scanned records. They are still working on the surnames M-Z for all branches. Those records in paper format will not be sent to National Archives at St. Louis until that is complete. I’ve heard nothing about them not sending files out, but who knows. You can certainly try to email them at USARMY.KNOX.HRC.MBX.FOIA@MAIL.MIL and request a file. It is taking on average, from what people are saying and I’m experiencing, 1-2 years to receive anything. And most people are still not receiving a confirmation letter that a request was ever made. Be sure to follow up with them often if you are requesting through Ft. Knox.
Working with My Research Services
If you are working with me on your adopted soldier or relative’s service history, the IDPF is still included in this research. I have a researcher on-site at NPRC/NARA St. Louis who is still able to pull ALL records available in a faster time than NPRC will answer requests. You also get a detailed report with analysis of all materials with copies of all records. There are several ways I work with clients. Learn more about my services.
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